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Call Center Event Objects

Every Content Block have some respective event objects that are required by the events to be used. These event objects can be referred to as item properties for that event or model/data classes that are required for that event. These objects provide a detailed context to the event about the element they are associated with.

List of Objects

Here's a list of objects that are required in core module events.

Object Name Usability Description
ContactDetailObject details Track the details about the contact event
Transfer Object transfer Track values for transfer for a contact event.
Quality Traits Object quality_traits Track values quality performance of thr user.

Contact Detail Object

To log actions related to Contact event. Which includes events related to attending, declining, transferring a call, etc.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Id of the contact item in the event
type REQUIRED STRING emergency, grievance, non_emergency, transfer, follow_up, service_offering, customer_support, other Type of the contact item in the event
sub_type OPTIONAL STRING --- Sub-type of the contact item in the event
start_time OPTIONAL STRING --- Start time of the contact in the event, should be in ISO 8601 format
channel REQUIRED STRING call, whatsapp, sms, email, other Channel of the contact item in the event
is_valid OPTIONAL BOOLEAN --- Is the contact valid or spam
is_transfer OPTIONAL BOOLEAN --- Is item a transfer contact
incident_id OPTIONAL STRING --- Id of the incident attached with the contact
customer_id OPTIONAL STRING --- Id of the customer/patient attached with the contact
customer_type OPTIONAL STRING --- Type of the customer/patient attached with the contact
phone_id OPTIONAL STRING --- Phone id of the customer/patient attached with the contact
extension OPTIONAL STRING --- Phone id extension of the customer/patient attached with the contact
duration OPTIONAL FLOAT --- Duration for the contact in seconds
resolution OPTIONAL STRING --- Resolution of the contact event
summary OPTIONAL STRING --- Summary of the contact event
remarks OPTIONAL STRING --- Remarks of the contact event
is_priority OPTIONAL BOOLEAN --- Is the contact a priority


    let details = {
            id: "contactId",
            channel: ContactChannel.Call,
            type: ContactType.FollowUp,
            sub_type: "Some Sub Type",
            is_transfer: false,
            customer_type: "Some Customer Type",
            duration: 100,
            is_priority: false
  "details": {
      "channel": "call",
      "customer_type": "Some Customer Type",
      "duration": 100,
      "id": "contactId",
      "is_priority": false,
      "is_transfer": false,
      "sub_type": "Some Sub Type",
      "type": "follow_up"

Transfer Object

To log actions related to Transfer event. Which includes events related to transferring a call, etc.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Id of the transfer in the event
destination OPTIONAL STRING --- Transfer of the transfer in the event
summary OPTIONAL STRING --- Summary of the transfer in the event
remarks OPTIONAL STRING --- Remarks of the transfer in the event


    let transfer= {
        id: "transferId",
        destination: "Some Destination",
  "transfer": {
      "destination": "Some Destination",
      "id": "transferId"

Quality Traits Object

To log traits related to the platform user's performance.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
audit_count REQUIRED INTEGER --- Audit count for the performance traits
quality_score OPTIONAL FLOAT --- Quality score for the performance traits
fatal_calls OPTIONAL INTEGER --- Fatal Calls for the performance traits
fatal_score OPTIONAL FLOAT --- Fatal score for the performance traits
performance_group REQUIRED STRING --- Performance group for the performance traits
remarks OPTIONAL STRING --- Remarks for the performance traits


    let quality_traits = {
            audit_count: 10,
            fatal_calls: 11,
            performance_group: "moderate"
  "quality_traits": {
      "audit_count": 10,
      "fatal_calls": 11,
      "performance_group": "moderate"