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Call Center Ingest Events

Causal Foundry SDK Call Center Module consists of events for such platforms which involves communication from a central station to/from patient. The goal is to track the usage of such platforms and the operators too.

List of Events

Event Name Type Description
Break break Track actions regarding break events of the platform user.
Contact contact Track events regarding contact with the patient/representative, can be a phone call, email, SMS, etc.
OpsScorecard ops_scorecard Track stats of the platform user.

Break Event

To log user break timings and duration. This event is used to track the time when the user is on break or returns.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
type REQUIRED STRING bio_break, feedback, meeting, meal, tea, other Type of the break.
sub_type OPTIONAL STRING --- Sub-type of the break.
action REQUIRED STRING view, start, end, pause, resume, other Action applied for the break.
total_time REQUIRED FLOAT --- Total time allocated for the break in seconds.
consumed_time REQUIRED FLOAT --- Consumed time for the break in seconds.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


    let callEvent = {
        type: BreakType.BioBreak,
        sub_type: "Some Sub Type",
        action: CallCenterAction.Add,
        total_time: 10,
        consumed_time: 5

    CfCallCenter.logIngestEvent(CallCenterEventType.Break, callEvent)
    "type": "break",
    "props": {
        "action": "end",
        "consumed_time": 500,
        "sub_type": "Some Sub Type",
        "total_time": 10000,
        "type": "bio_break"

Contact Event

To log actions related to Contact event. Which includes events related to attending, declining, transferring a call, etc.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
action REQUIRED STRING view, add, update, remove, start, end, pause, resume, attend, decline, terminate, transfer, skip, other Action applied on the contact/call/sms/email.
details REQUIRED OBJECT (Contact Details Object) --- Details about the contact.
transfer OPTIONAL OBJECT (Transfer Object) --- Transfer details about the contact if any.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


   let contactEvent = {
        action: CallCenterAction.Attend,
        details: {
            id: "contactId",
            channel: ContactChannel.Call,
            type: ContactType.FollowUp,
            sub_type: "Some Sub Type",
            is_transfer: false,
            customer_type: "Some Customer Type",
            duration: 100,
            is_priority: false
        transfer: {
            id: "transferId",
            destination: "Some Destination",

    CfCallCenter.logIngestEvent(CallCenterEventType.Contact, contactEvent)
  "type": "contact",
    "props": {
        "action": "attend",
        "details": {
            "channel": "call",
            "customer_type": "Some Customer Type",
            "duration": 100,
            "id": "contactId",
            "is_priority": false,
            "is_transfer": false,
            "sub_type": "Some Sub Type",
            "type": "follow_up"

OpsScorecard Event

To log actions related to the platform user's performance.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
quality_traits REQUIRED (Quality Traits Object) --- Tracking quality traits for the logged in user.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


     let opsScoreCardEvent = {
        quality_traits: {
            audit_count: 10,
            fatal_calls: 11,
            performance_group: "moderate"

    CfCallCenter.logIngestEvent(CallCenterEventType.OpsScorecard, opsScoreCardEvent)
  "type": "ops_scorecard",
    "props": {
        "quality_traits": {
            "audit_count": 10,
            "fatal_calls": 11,
            "performance_group": "moderate"