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Core Ingest Events

Core content block mainly focus on events related to app navigation of your application, such as events related to app -> app opening, app closing or moving to background. Also for the screen related events, how much time a user spends on a screen and also some basic functional events as well such as login, media related or search related events.

List of Events

Here's a list of events that can be tracked using the core module:

Event Name Type Description
App app Track when the user opens/resumes/background/closes the app. (Auto Tracked)
Page page Track screen/activity changes along with session timing. (Auto Tracked)
Identify identify Track when user register/login/logout from the app.
Media media Track how your users interact with media to offer better
Search search Track how search responds to user queries.
Rate rate Track user ratings on different elements in the app.
Nudge Response nudge_response Track how user reacted to the nudge.
Module Selection module_selection Track when a module is selected on the main screen.

App Event

To Log application-related events regarding the user opening, resuming, closing the app, or putting the app in the background.


This is an auto-tracked event, you don't need to add anything to trigger this event.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
action REQUIRED STRING open, close, resume, background Identify action for which the event is triggered.
start_time REQUIRED INTEGER --- Time the app took to open, render the first page. Calculated in milliseconds. Will be 0 for all app actions except app_open.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        "type": "app",
        "props": {
            "action": "open",
            "start_time": 248

Page Event

To Log screen viewing events that record how much time the user spends on each screen/activity/fragment. By default, SDK auto listens for page changes in the app along with session timings that implicates how to log a user spends on an activity, but you can also set the content block name for the page as well to specify the block the page is linked to, it can be core which represents basic app navigation, e-commerce if it is a page from your in-app marketplace, e-learning if it related to learning section inside the app.

Auto-Tracked for Android Native and Web Applications

This is an auto-tracked event, you don't need to add anything to trigger this event on Android Native and Web Applications. However, if you are using custom navigation graph in Android or React Native, then you need to use this event specifically with your route information.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
path REQUIRED STRING -- The path of the screen in the application.
title REQUIRED STRING -- The title of the screen in the application.
duration REQUIRED FLOAT -- The duration in seconds, the user is spending on the screen in the application.
render_time REQUIRED INTEGER -- The duration in milliseconds, the time it takes for the page to render the content on screen.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        logObject = PageObject(
            path = activity.packageName,
            title = activity.localClassName,
            duration = sessionLength,
            renderTime = renderTime,

Also disable the default page tracking in the CFLog.Builder() using .disableAutoPageTrack()

For use-case where the auto tracking is enabled, you can also pass the page's content block information at the onCreate of activity/fragment as

    CfPageEvent.pageTitle = "Home Screen" // set custom Page title
    CfPageEvent.pageContentBlock = ContentBlock.e_commerce // ContentBlock is provided as enum in SDK

    let pageObject = PageObject(
        path: "path_value",
        title: "title_value", 
        duration: 19, 
        renderTime: 220)

    CFCoreEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: .Page, logObject: pageObject)
React native SDK provides support to auto track page duration and render time if you are using React Native Navigation. You can use the provided function setupPageListener() after your in the App.js This will include the listener block for tracking page render time and duration for you but if you are using other methodologies, you need to provide the values that yourself.

If you are using React Navigation then you can head to the post AutoTrack Page events with React Navigation in React Native Apps here to look into the integration steps for it.

    let pageProperties = {
      path: "test Page Path",
      title: "test page name",
      duration: 3,
      render_time: 150,

    CfCore.logIngestEvent(CoreIngestEventType.Page, pageProperties);
React native SDK provides support to auto track page duration and render time if you are using React Native Navigation. You can use the provided function setupPageListener() after your in the App.js This will include the listener block for tracking page render time and duration for you but if you are using other methodologies, you need to provide the values that yourself.

If you are using React Navigation then you can head to the post AutoTrack Page events with React Navigation in React Native Apps here to look into the integration steps for it.

For Web, the Page Event is auto tracked based on the change in URL, you don't need to implement anything.

        "type": "page",
        "props": {
            "path": "some_path.inner_path",
            "title": "Page Title",
            "duration": 3.5,
            "render_time": 300


Identify Event

To Log identity events regarding the user of the app such as register, login, or log out you can use Identity log events that are divided into 3 different types.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
action REQUIRED STRING register, login, logout, (blocked, unblocked) Identify action for which the event is triggered.
referral_code OPTIONAL STRING --- Referral code used by the app user on registration.
blocked OPTIONAL OBJECT (BLOCKED OBJECT) register, login, logout, (blocked, unblocked) Identify action for which the event is triggered.


        eventType = CoreEventType.Identify,
        logObject = IdentifyObject(
            userId = "appUserId",
            action = IdentityAction.Login,
            referralCode = "ASDFGH"


        eventType = CoreEventType.Identify,
        logObject = IdentifyObject(
            userId = "appUserId",
            action = IdentityAction.Blocked,
            blocked = BlockedObject(reason = "Reason for Blocking", remarks = "Some Remarks")
    let identifyObject = IdentifyObject(
        userId: "appUserId",
        action: IdentityAction.Login.rawValue)

    CFCoreEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: .Identify, logObject: identifyObject)


    let identifyObject = IdentifyObject(
        userId: "appUserId",
        action: IdentityAction.Blocked.rawValue, 
        blocked: BlockedObject(reason: "someText", remarks: "some Remarks"))

    CFCoreEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: .Identify, logObject: identifyObject)
    let identifyProperties = {
      userId: "appUserId",
      action: IdentityAction.Login,

    CfCore.logIngestEvent(CoreIngestEventType.Identify, identifyProperties);


    let identifyProperties = {
      userId: "appUserId",
      action: IdentityAction.Login,
      blocked: {
        reason: "some Reason",
        remarks: "some Remarks"

    CfCore.logIngestEvent(CoreIngestEventType.Identify, identifyProperties);
        user_properties) // User Catalog Properties
        "type": "identify",
        "props": {
            "action": "register",
            "referral_code": "ASDFGH"

To log user Catalog Properties: User Catalog

Media Event

To Log media events regarding the use of multimedia elements in the app. This can be images, videos, or audio. The event logs elements regarding play, pause, view, seek or finish of the event.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING -- Id for the media in question.
type REQUIRED STRING video, audio, image type for the media in question.
action REQUIRED STRING view, play, pause, seek, finish, impression action performed on the media in question.
time REQUIRED INTEGER -- currentSeekTime of the media (Duration in Millisecond) when an action is performed.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


    // For Image
        eventType = CoreEventType.Media,
        logObject = MediaObject(
            mediaId = "mediaId",
            mediaType = MediaType.Image,
            mediaAction = MediaAction.View,
            time = 0,

    // For Video and Audio
        eventType = CoreEventType.Media,
        logObject = MediaObject(
            mediaId = "mediaId",
            mediaType = MediaType.Video,
            mediaAction = MediaAction.Pause,
            time = 1234556,
    // For Image
    let mediaObject = MediaObject(
        id: "374784738", 
        type: MediaType.Image.rawValue, 
        action: MediaAction.View.rawValue, 
        time: 0

    CFCoreEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: .Media, logObject: mediaObject)

    // For Video and Audio
    let mediaObject = MediaObject(
        id: "374784738", 
        type: MediaType.Video.rawValue, 
        action: MediaAction.Pause.rawValue, 
        time: 1234556

    CFCoreEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: .Media, logObject: mediaObject)
    // For Image
    let mediaProperties = {
        media_id: "testRNMediaId",
        media_type: MediaType.Image,
        media_action: MediaAction.view

    // For Video and Audio
    let mediaProperties = {
        media_id: "testRNMediaId",
        media_type: MediaType.Video,
        media_action: MediaAction.Play,
        time: 3000, // currentSeekTime is the timeInMillis for the video/audio current timeframe

    CfCore.logIngestEvent(CoreIngestEventType.Media, mediaProperties);
    // For Image
    mediaProperties = {
        contentBlock: ContentBlock.ECommerce,
        type: ImageType.Image,
        id: "testMediaId",
        action: MediaAction.View,

    // For Video and Audio
    mediaProperties = {
        contentBlock: ContentBlock.ECommerce,
        type: ImageType.Video,
        id: "testMediaId",
        action: MediaAction.Play,
        time: 3000 // currentSeekTime is the timeInMillis for the video/audio current timeframe.

    Navigation.logIngestEvent(NavigationTypes.Media, mediaProperties)
        "type": "media",
        "props": {
            "id": "mediaId",
            "type": "video",
            "action": "play",
            "time": 1349

Search Event

To Log search events regarding the use of search in the app. This refers to the use of search-related parameters in the app. From search results to the filters and the page number of the search API (if any).


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
query REQUIRED STRING -- Query on which the Search is performed.
module REQUIRED STRING core, e_commerce, e_learning, screening, assessment, enrolment, medical_review, my_patients, appointments, prescription, lifestyle_mgmt, psychological_mgmt, counseling_mgmt, investigation, treatment_plan, transfers, other Module on which the search is performed.
page REQUIRED INTEGER -- API page of the search results. default to 1
filter OPTIONAL HASHMAP(STRING, Any) -- Key value pair for the filters if any applied on the search.
results_list REQUIRED ARRAY (SEARCH ITEM OBJECT) -- Array of the search results.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        eventType = CoreEventType.Search,
        logObject = SearchObject(
            query = "some Query",
            searchModule = SearchModuleType.Core,
            resultsList = resultItems,
            filter = filtersHashMap,
            page = 1,
    let searchObject = SearchObject(
        query: "some Query",
        searchModule: SearchModuleType.Screening.rawValue, 
        resultsList: resultItems, 
        filter: filtersDictionaryData, 
        page: 1

    CFCoreEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: .Search, logObject: searchObject)
    let searchProperties = {
      query: "Some Query Text",
      module: SearchModuleType.Core,
      results_list: search_results,
      filter: Object.fromEntries(searchfilters), // REQUIRED to be as `Object.fromEntries`
      page: 1,

    CfCore.logIngestEvent(CoreIngestEventType.Search, searchProperties);
    const searchProperties = {
        page: 1,
        query: 'Some Query Text',
        results_list: SearchItemObject[], // Array as mentioned in above table
        filter: filterOptions // hash of <string, string>

    Navigation.logIngestEvent(NavigationTypes.Search, searchProperties) 
        "type": "search",
        "props": {
            "query": "Some Search Query",
            "module": "core",
            "filter": {
                "key": "value"
            "page": 1,
            "results_list": [
                    "id": "result_Item_Id_1",
                    "type": "drug"
                    "id": "result_Item_Id_2",
                    "type": "patient_record"

Rate Event

To Log Rate events on elements inside the application. Such elements can be an order, app rating itself or a service offered in the app.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
rate_value REQUIRED FLOAT --- For providing the value for the rate. Should be in between 0 to 5
type REQUIRED STRING order, item, media, exam, question, module, process, form, section, app, hcw, hcw_site, facility, assessment, customer, other For providing the type of the element being rated.
subject_id REQUIRED STRING --- To set the subject Id for the item being rated based on the type above.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        eventType = CoreEventType.Rate,
        logObject = RateObject(
            rateValue = 4f,
            type = RateType.Order,
            subjectId = "testOrderId"
    let rateObject = RateObject(
        rateValue: 3, 
        type: RateType.Order.rawValue, 
        subjectId: subjectId

    CFCoreEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: .Rate, logObject: rateObject)
    let rateObject = {
      rate_value: 4.5,
      type: RateType.App,
      subject_id: "applicationID",

    CfCore.logIngestEvent(CoreIngestEventType.Rate, rateObject);
    let rateProperties = {
        rate_value: 4.4,
        type: RateType.order,
        subject_id: 'testOrderId'

    Navigation.logIngestEvent(NavigationTypes.Rate, rateProperties)
        "type": "rate",
        "props": {
            "rate_value": 4.5,
            "type": "app",
            "subject_id": "testAppId"

Module Selection Event

To log module selection in a hcw management app screen. You can select the module type with the log values.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
type REQUIRED STRING screening, assessment, enrolment, medical_review, my_patients, prescription, counseling_mgmt, lifestyle_mgmt, psychological_mgmt, investigation, appointment, hcw_mgmt, treatment_plan, transfers, appointment, hcw_mgmt, break, caller_history, attend_call, single, dashboard, map, other current module selected by the user in the patient mgmt section on the main screen.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        eventType = PatientMgmtEventType.ModuleSelection,
        logObject = HcwModuleObject(
            type = PatientMgmtModuleType.Screening,
    let moduleSelectionEvent = HcwModuleObject(
        type: PatientModuleType.Screening.rawValue

    CFPatientMgmtEvent.shared.logIngest(eventType: PatientMgmtEventType.ModuleSelection, logObject: moduleSelectionEvent)
    let patientModuleObject = {
      type: PatientMgmtModuleType.Enrolment,

    CfPatientMgmt.logIngestEvent(PatientMgmtEventType.ModuleSelection, patientModuleObject);
    let moduleObject = {
      type: ModuleType.Enrolment,

    Navigation.logIngestEvent(NavigationTypes.ModuleSelection, moduleObject);
        "type": "module_selection",
        "props": {
            "type": "screening"

Nudge CTA Event

Recommendations based nudges provide payload in the response, which can be used to trigger the CTA event. The CTA event can be to open a certain page in the app or to perform a certain action such as adding an item to the cart directly.

This is a Callback Event

This is a callback event, you need to process the response base don your app architecture.


Param Format Description
cta STRING Action to be performed as a part of the recommendation - redirect/add-to_cart
id STRING id of the product being recommended.
type STRING Type of the product being recommended - product type as drug/grocery


    class MyApplication : Application(), LifecycleEventObserver, NudgeOnClickInterface {

        override fun onNudgeOpened(ctaType: String, nudgeCallToActionResourceObject: NudgeCallToActionResourceObject) {
            Log.d("Notification Opened", "Notification Opened: $ctaType \n $nudgeCallToActionResourceObject")

    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

        func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
            NudgeOnClickObject.nudgeOnClickInterface = { cta, itemType, itemID in

                let nudgeItems = "\(cta)||\(itemType)||\(itemID)"
                print(nudgeItems) // Just for example, you can use this data as needed
    // in App.js

    (cta_type, nudge_resource_type, nudge_resource_id) => {
        console.log('Notification CTA Type: ' + cta_type);
        console.log('Notification CTA resource Type: ' + nudge_resource_type);
        console.log('Notification CTA resource Id: ' + nudge_resource_id);
    // in App.js

    CfLog.getSDKInstance().on(CfLogEvents.NudgeAction, (type, resource) => {

      console.log(type + "-> " + resource.type + "-> " +

      if (type === CfLogEventType.Redirect) {
        console.log('Redirect not implemented in this app')
      } else if (type === CfLogEventType.AddToCart) {
        console.log('Add-to-cart not implemented in this app')
      } else {
        console.log('received unknown event type: ', type)

Nudge Response Event

To Log responses on nudges, we use the same ingest API and send the user's response there.


This is an auto-tracked event, you don't need to add anything to trigger this event.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
ref REQUIRED STRING -- Intervention ref string provided in the request API
time REQUIRED STRING -- Time parameter provided by the request API.
response REQUIRED STRING open, discard, block, shown, expired, error Action of the user performed on the nudge.


  "type": "nudge_response",
  "props": {
    "ref": "inv_1",
    "response": "discard",
    "details": "some error details", // only required for response as error
    "time": "2023-03-02T09:49:51Z"


To show in-app messages on the screen of your choice, you can disable the auto show from the SDK initialisation as:

        .init(this) // pass in the context

        .setAutoShowInAppNudge(showInAppNudge = false)  // use this and set the showInAppNudge to false


then in your activity where you want to show the in-app message, you can show the nudge by using: