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E-Commerce Ingest Events

Causal Foundry SDK E-Commerce module consists of events for online marketplace platforms. You need to implement this module if your app offers e-commerce content that may include showcasing items to purchase, logging impressions, checking out events, and also events related to delivery as well.

List of Events

Event Name Type Description
Item item Track actions on item, views, details, or item impression in a list.
Cart cart Track changes in the cart, when an item is being added or removed.
Checkout checkout Track when an item is checkout or unable to checkout.
Delivery delivery Track when an item is delivered.
Cancel Checkout cancel_checkout Track when user cancels a checkout or discards a cart.
Item Report item_report Track when user reports an item.
Item Request item_request Track when user requests an item.
Item Verification item_verification Track when user verifies an item.
Item Impression Listener item Track when an item is shown to the user in a list.

Item Event

To log item related events which includes when an item is viewed and when an item's detail is viewed.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
action REQUIRED STRING impression, view, detail, add_favorite, remove_favorite, add_reminder, remove_reminder, remove_reminder_auto, top_up, cancel, update, remove, add, select Action applied on the item.
item REQUIRED OBJECT ITEM OBJECT --- Details about the item used in the event.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


    val itemModel =ItemModel(
        id = "testItemId",
        quantity = 10,
        price = 1900.0,
        currency = CurrencyCode.USD,
        type = ItemType.Drug,
        discount = 2.0,
        stockStatus = ItemStockStatus.InStock,
        promoId = "",
        facilityId = "test facilityId"

        logObject = ViewItemObject(
            action = ItemAction.View,
            item = itemModel
    let itemDetail = {
        id: "itemId",
        type: ItemType.Drug,
        quantity: 1,
        price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        stock_status: StockStatus.InStock,
        promo_id: "testPromoId",

    let itemProperties = {
        action: ItemAction.View,
        item: itemDetail,

    CfECom.logItemEvent(itemProperties, catalogObject) // catalog object can be null.
     let itemDetail = {
        id: "itemId",
        type: ItemType.Drug,
        quantity: 1,
        price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        stock_status: StockStatus.InStock,
        promo_id: "testPromoId",

    const itemProps = {
        action: ItemAction.AddFavorite
        item: itemDetail,

    ECommerce.logItemEvent(itemProps, catalogObject) // catalog object can be null.
  "type": "item",
  "props": {
    "action": "view",
    "item": {
      // Item Object

Cart Event

To log cart related events which includes when an item is added or removed from a cart.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Cart Id for the cart being modified.
action REQUIRED STRING add_item, remove_item Action applied on the item inside the cart.
cart_price REQUIRED FLOAT --- Total price of the cart.
currency REQUIRED STRING --- ISO based currency code associated with the cart price. (USD, EUR, CAD, ...)
item REQUIRED OBJECT ITEM OBJECT --- Details about the item(s) used in the event.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


    val itemModel =ItemModel(
        id = "testItemId",
        quantity = 10,
        price = 1900.0,
        currency = CurrencyCode.USD,
        type = ItemType.Drug,
        discount = 2.0,
        stockStatus = ItemStockStatus.InStock,
        promoId = "",
        facilityId = "test facilityId"

        logObject = CartObject(
            cartId = "testCartId",
            action = CartAction.AddItem,
            item = itemModel,
            currency = CurrencyCode.USD,
            cartPrice = 1903.0,
    let itemDetail = {
        id: "itemId",
        type: ItemType.Drug,
        quantity: 1,
        price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        stock_status: StockStatus.InStock,
        promo_id: "RandomPromoId",

    let cartProperties = {
        id: "testCartId",
        action: CartAction.AddItem,
        item: itemDetail,
        cart_price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,

    let itemDetail = {
        id: "itemId",
        type: ItemType.Drug,
        quantity: 1,
        price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        stock_status: StockStatus.InStock,
        promo_id: "RandomPromoId",

    const cartEvent = {
        id: "cartId",
        action: CartAction.AddItem,
        item: itemDetail,
        cart_price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,

  "type": "cart",
  "props": {
    "id": "testCartId",
    "action": "add_item",
    "cart_price": 1900.0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "item": {
      // Item Object

Checkout Event

To log checkout related events which includes when an items being purchased.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Order Id for the placement.
cart_id REQUIRED STRING --- Cart Id for the order being checked out.
cart_price REQUIRED FLOAT --- Total price of the cart at checkout.
currency REQUIRED STRING --- ISO based currency code associated with the cart price. (USD, EUR, CAD, ...)
shop_mode OPTIONAL STRING delivery, pickup shop mode selected the order, if it is a delivery based order or a pickup order.
items REQUIRED ARRAY (ITEM OBJECT) --- Details about the item(s) used in the event, all od the items in the order.
is_successful REQUIRED BOOLEAN --- If the order checked out is successful or not.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.

Meta Properties

Some item types requires certain elements to be provided using meta properties. Please refer to your integration notes to verify which fields are required for your use-case.


    val itemModel =ItemModel(
        id = "testItemId",
        quantity = 10,
        price = 1900.0,
        currency = CurrencyCode.USD,
        type = ItemType.Drug,
        discount = 2.0,
        stockStatus = ItemStockStatus.InStock,
        promoId = "",
        facilityId = "test facilityId"

        logObject = CheckoutObject(
            orderId = "legimus",
            cartId = "ocurreret",
            isSuccessful = true,
            cartPrice = 900.0,
            currency = CurrencyCode.USD,
            shopMode = ShopMode.Pickup,
            itemList = listOf(itemModel),
    let itemDetail = {
        id: "itemId1",
        type: ItemType.Drug,
        quantity: 1,
        price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        stock_status: StockStatus.InStock,
        promo_id: "RandomPromoId"

    let checkoutProperties = {
        id: "testOrderId",
        cart_id: "testCartId",
        is_successful: false,
        cart_price: 5.9,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        shop_mode: ShopMode.Pickup,
        items_list: [itemDetail]

    let itemDetail = {
        id: "itemId1",
        type: ItemType.Drug,
        quantity: 1,
        price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        stock_status: StockStatus.InStock,
        shop_mode: ShopMode.Pickup,
        promo_id: "RandomPromoId"

    const checkoutEvent = {
        id: orderId,
        is_successful: true,
        cart_price: 1.45,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        items: [itemDetail],
        cart_id: "cartId"

      "type": "checkout",
      "props": {
        "id": "testOrderId",
        "cart_id": "testCartId",
        "cart_price": 900.0,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "shop_mode": "delivery",
        "is_successful": true,
        "items": [
            // Item Object
            // Item Object

Delivery Event

To log delivery related events which includes when an item is delivered.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Delivery Id for the order being delivered.
order_id REQUIRED STRING --- Order Id for the order being delivered.
action REQUIRED STRING schedule, update, dispatch, delivered Action applied on the delivery event.
is_urgent REQUIRED BOOLEAN --- Is delivery event marked as urgent delivery.
est_delivery_ts OPTIONAL STRING --- Estimated delivery time in ISO. ISO 8601 format.
delivery_coordinates OPTIONAL OBJECT (COORDINATES OBJECT) --- Coordinates for the place where the delivery is going to be made.
dispatch_coordinates OPTIONAL OBJECT (COORDINATES OBJECT) --- Coordinates for the place where the order is going to be dispatched from.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        logObject = DeliveryObject(
            deliveryId = "testDeliveryId",
            orderId = "testOrderId",
            action = DeliveryAction.Delivered,
            isUrgent = true,
            deliveryTs = System.currentTimeMillis().plus(10000),
            deliveryCoordinates = CoordinatesObject(lat = 4.5, lon = 6.7),
            dispatchCoordinates = CoordinatesObject(lat = 4.5, lon = 6.7)
    let deliveryProperties = {
        id: "TestDeliveryId",
        order_id: "TestOrderId",
        action: DeliveryAction.Delivered,

    let deliveryProperties = {
        id: "TestDeliveryId",
        order_id: "TestOrderId",
        action: DeliveryAction.Delivered,

  "type": "delivery",
  "props": {
    "id": "testDeliveryId",
    "action": "delivered",
    "order_id": "testOrderId"

Cancel Checkout Event

To log Cancel Checkout related events which includes when item(s) is cancelled.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Order/cart Id for the order being canceled.
type REQUIRED STRING cart, order type of the list being canceled.
items REQUIRED ARRAY (ITEM TYPE OBJECT) --- List of items being cancelled.
reason OPTIONAL STRING --- Reason for canceling.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        logObject = CancelCheckoutObject(
            checkoutId = "testCartId",
            type = CancelType.Order,
            itemsList = listOf(
                ItemTypeModel("ItemID1", ItemType.Drug),
                ItemTypeModel("ItemID2", ItemType.Drug)
            reason = "testreason",
    let itemTypeModel = {
        id: "itemId1",
        type: ItemType.Drug

    let cancelCheckoutProperties = {
        id: "TestOrderId",
        type: "order",
        items_list: [itemTypeModel],
        reason: "took too long"

    let itemTypeModel = {
        id: "itemId1",
        type: ItemType.Drug

    let cancelCheckoutProperties = {
        id: "TestOrderId",
        type: "order",
        items_list: [itemTypeModel],
        reason: "took too long"

  "type": "cancel_checkout",
  "props": {
    "id": "testCartId",
    "items": [
        // Item Min Object
        // Item Min Object
    "reason": "test reason",
    "type": "cart"

Item Report Event

To log Item Report Event.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
item REQUIRED OBJECT (ITEM TYPE OBJECT) --- Details for the item in report event.
store_info REQUIRED OBJECT (STORE OBJECT) --- Store details for the item in report event.
report_info REQUIRED OBJECT (REPORT OBJECT) --- Report details for the item in report event.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        logObject = ItemReportObject(
            item = ItemTypeModel("itemIdTTTT", ItemType.Drug),
            storeInfo = StoreObject("storeId", 22.0, 23.0),
            reportInfo = ReportObject("reportId", "short  Value", "large Value")
    let itemTypeModel = {
        id: "itemId1",
        type: ItemType.Drug,

    let storeObject = {
        id: "storeId",
        lat: 41.390205,
        lon: 2.154007,

    let reportObject = {
        id: "TestReportId",
        short_desc: "order",
        remarks: "took too long",

    let reportProps = {
        item : itemTypeModel,
        store_info : storeObject,
        report_info : reportObject

    let itemTypeModel = {
        id: "itemId1",
        type: ItemType.Drug,

    let storeObject = {
        id: "storeId",
        lat: 41.390205,
        lon: 2.154007,

    let reportObject = {
        id: "TestReportId",
        short_desc: "order",
        remarks: "took too long",

    let reportProps = {
        item : itemTypeModel,
        store_info : storeObject,
        report_info : reportObject

  "type": "item_report",
  "props": {
    "item": {
      "id": "itemId",
      "type": "drug"
    "report_info": {
      "id": "reportId",
      "remarks": "Detailed description",
      "short_desc": "short description"
    "store_info": {
      "id": "storeId",
      "lat": 41.390205,
      "lon": 2.154007

Item Request Event

To log Item Request Event.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- id for the request element event.
item_name REQUIRED STRING --- Name for the item in request event.
manufacturer REQUIRED STRING --- Manufacturer name for the item in request event.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        logObject = ItemRequestObject(
            itemRequestId = "ItemRequestIdSem",
            itemName = "Item Namer",
            manufacturer = "Item Manufacturer conubia"
    let requestProps = {
        request_id : "requestId",
        item_name : "testItemName",
        manufacturer : "manufacturer Name"

    let requestProps = {
        request_id : "requestId",
        item_name : "testItemName",
        manufacturer : "manufacturer Name"

  "type": "item_request",
  "props": {
    "id": "itemRequestId",
    "item_name": "Item Name",
    "manufacturer": "Item Manufacturer"

Item Verification Event

To log Item Verification Event.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
scan_channel REQUIRED STRING app, ussd Scan channel for the item verification.
scan_type REQUIRED STRING pin, qr_code Scan type for the item verification.
is_successful REQUIRED BOOLEAN --- If Item verification was successful. If no, there will be no Item Info Object.
item_info REQUIRED OBJECT (ITEM INFO OBJECT) --- Details about the Item in verification.
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


        logObject = ItemVerificationObject(
            scanChannel = ScanChannel.App,
            scanType = ScanType.QrCode,
            isSuccessful = true,
            itemInfo = ItemInfoObject(
                itemId = "ItemId",
                type = ItemType.Drug,
                batchId = "batch000",
                surveyId = "survey_id0",
                rewardId = "reward_id0",
                isFeatured = false,
                productionDate = System.currentTimeMillis(),
                expiryDate = System.currentTimeMillis()
    let itemInfoProperties = {
        id: "testItemId",
        type: ItemType.Grocery,
        batch_id: "2134",
        survey_id: "9876",
        reward_id: "4455",
        is_featured: true,
        production_date: 1680788331012,
        expiry_date: 1780788331012

    let verificationProps = {
        scan_channel: ScanChannel.App,
        scan_type: ScanType.QrCode,
        is_successful: true,
        item_info: itemInfoProperties

    let itemInfoProperties = {
        id: "testItemId",
        type: ItemType.Grocery,
        batch_id: "2134",
        survey_id: "9876",
        reward_id: "4455",
        is_featured: true,
        production_date: 1680788331012,
        expiry_date: 1780788331012

    let verificationProps = {
        scan_channel: ScanChannel.App,
        scan_type: ScanType.QrCode,
        is_successful: true,
        item_info: itemInfoProperties

  "type": "item_verification",
  "props": {
    "scan_channel": "app",
    "scan_type": "pin",
    "is_successful": true,
    "item_info": {
      "id": "ItemId",
      "type": "drug",
      "batch_id": "batch000",
      "reward_id": "reward_id0",
      "survey_id": "survey_id0",
      "is_featured": false,
      "expiry_date": 1680771806334,
      "production_date": 1680771806334

Item Impression Listener

To log when an item is shown to the user in a list, marking the impression of the item.

Partially Auto-Tracked

Item impression listener needs to be set up on the listviews/recyclerviews for it to start listening when the items are shown to the users.


No Jetpack Compose Support

Currently the Impression listener does not provide support for Jetpack Compose LazyColumn or LazyRow but for RecyclerViews (XML-based layouts) only. In order to use for Jetpack Compose, you need to create your own listener and can directly use the item event with action as impression.

        recyclerView = binding.imageRecyclerView, // RecyclerView to which the impression listener will be attached.
        currentDataProvider = {
   { // map your internal product list to the SDK's one to provide details about the items.
                    itemProperties = ItemModel(
                        id = it.itemId,
                        quantity = it.quantity,
                        price = (it.quantity * it.price),
                        currency =,
                        type =,
                        stockStatus =,
                        promoId = "testPromoId"
                    catalogProperties = DrugCatalogModel(
                        market_id = "id", 
                        name = "MedName",
                        description = "",
                        supplier_id = "SupplierId",
                        supplier_name = "SupplierName",
                        producer = "",
                        packaging = "",
                        active_ingredients = [paracetamol],
                        drug_form = "otc",
                        drug_strength = "",
                        atc_anatomical_group = "",
                        otc_or_ethical = "otc"

Causal Foundry React native SDK currently supports RecyclerListViewScreen for the impression listener as it helps in recycling the views and improving performance. To start with the implementation,, you need to first map your list in the format required by the SDK.

    var contentList =, index) => ({
        item_properties: {
            price: product.price,
            currency: CurrencyCode.IDR,
            quantity: product.quantity,
            type: ItemType.Drug,
            stock_status: StockStatus.InStock,
            promo_id: "testPromoId"
        catalog_properties: { // can be DrugProperties or any other e-commerce catalog props
            market_id: "id",
            name: "MedName",
            description: "testItemDescription",
            supplier_id: "SupplierId",
            supplier_name: "SupplierName",
            producer: "testProducerName",
            packaging: "10ML",
            active_ingredients: active_ingredients_array,
            drug_form: "",
            drug_strength: "",
            atc_anatomical_group: "",
            otc_or_ethical: ""

then on your _lonVisibleIndicesChanged call the impression listener and pass the contentList:

    const _lonVisibleIndicesChanged = (all, now, notNow) => {
            "collectionId", now,

    return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
            <RecyclerListView rowRenderer={_renderRow} dataProvider={dataProvider}

Impression listener will auto track the elements shown on the screen and log the impression events and also for the redundant scroll impressions.

For the e-commerce section, it is required to track the viewable impressions, that is, those items that have been visible in the screen for, at least, a specific time. The SDK performs this tracking semi-automatically, so requires some developer intervention. There are some functions in the API for that:

  • startTrackingImpressions(containerClassname: string, itemClassname: string, searchId: string)

  • stopTrackingImpressions(containerClassname: string)

  • restartTrackingImpressions(containerClassname: string, searchId: string)

Whenever the user goes to a page that shows a list of e-commerce items, call startTrackingImpressions, indicating the className of the container where the items are listed. All the items must also share a common className, itemClassname, to allow the SDK to track them. searchId is an identifier returned by logSearchEvent, in case the user have performed a search in that section.

When the user performs a search in the same page, call restartTrackingImpressions indicating the new searchId

In addition, each item must contain some data, as shown in the next example:

    data-log-currency="{item_currency_code}" // SDK provides enum/constants CurrencyCode
    data-log-type="{item_type}" // SDK provides enum/constants ItemType
    data-log-stock-status="{item_id}" // SDK provides enum/constants StockStatus
    data-log-promo-id="{item_id}" // string 
    data-log-drug-catalog-object={JSON.stringify(drugProperties)} // SDK provides object DrugProperties
    class="{item_id}" // id/class name/container name for the card layout in your code

All the fields, id, quantity, price, currency (see CurrencyCode definition), type (see ItemType definition) are mandatory.