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Emergency Mgmt Ingest Events

Causal Foundry Android SDK Emergency Mgmt module consists of events for Emergency Management and Response platforms.

List of Events

Event Name Type Description
Incident incident Track event regarding details of an incident.
Ambulance ambulance Track event regarding a ambulance dispatch and denial.

Incident Event

To log events regarding details of an incident. Such as type, severity, location, etc.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
action REQUIRED STRING view, add, update, remove, other action for the incident event
details REQUIRED OBJECT (Incident Detail Item) --- Details for the incident event
patient_list OPTIONAL ARRAY (OBJECT (Emergency Patient Item)) --- Patient list for the incident event
address OPTIONAL OBJECT (Address Object) --- Address for the incident event
facility_id OPTIONAL STRING --- Facility id for the incident event
ambulance_list OPTIONAL ARRAY (OBJECT (Ambulance Item)) --- Ambulance list for the incident event
schedule_time OPTIONAL LONG --- Schedule time for the incident event
status OPTIONAL STRING --- Status for the incident event
resolution OPTIONAL STRING --- Resolution for the incident event
summary OPTIONAL STRING --- Summary for the incident event
remarks OPTIONAL STRING --- Remarks for the incident event
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


    let incidentEvent = {
        action: EmergencyMgmtItemAction.Add,
        details: incidentDetailItem,
        patient_list: [{
            id: "patientId",
        address: {
            site_id: "siteId"
        facility_id: "facilityId",
        ambulance_list: [
                id: "ambulanceId",
                driver_id: "driverId",
                emso_id: "emsoId",
                type: "Some Type",
                gps_datetime: "2025-01-01T12:00:27.87+02:00",
                distance_from_incident: 10,
                status: AmbulanceStatus.Available,
                eta: 10
        status: "Some Status",

    CfEmergencyMgmt.logIngestEvent(EmergencyMgmtEventType.Incident, incidentEvent)
  "type": "incident",
    "props": {
        "action": "add",
        "address": {
            "site_id": "siteId"
        "details": {
            "chief_complaints_list": [
                    "complaint": "Some Complaint",
                    "questions_list": [
                            "question": "Some Question Text",
                            "reply": "Some Reply here",
                            "type": "closed_ended"
            "contact_id": "contactId",
            "id": "incidentId",
            "is_duplicate_incident": false,
            "language": "English",
            "severity": "some Value",
            "type": "emergency"
        "facility_id": "facilityId",
        "patient_list": [
                "id": "patientId"
        "schedule_time": 1739970374202,
        "status": "Some Status"

Ambulance Event

To log events related to ambulance dispatch and denial.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
incident_id OPTIONAL STRING --- Id for the incident for the ambulance event
contact_id OPTIONAL STRING --- Id for the contact for the ambulance event
action REQUIRED STRING view dispatch, denial, other Action performed on the ambulance event
ambulance REQUIRED OBJECT (Ambulance Item) --- Details about the ambulance in the event
pickup_address OPTIONAL OBJECT (Address Object) --- Details about the pickup address for the ambulance
destination_address OPTIONAL OBJECT (Address Object) --- Details about the destination address for the ambulance
denial_details OPTIONAL OBJECT (Denial Detail Item) --- Denial details about the ambulance event
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log


    let ambulanceEvent = {
        action: EmergencyMgmtItemAction.Dispatch,
        ambulance: {
            id: "ambulanceId",
            driver_id: "driverId",
            emso_id: "emsoId",
            type: "Some Type",
            distance_from_incident: 10,
            gps_datetime: "2025-01-01T12:00:27.87+02:00",
            status: AmbulanceStatus.Available,
            eta: 10
        pickup_address:  {
            country: "siteId"
        destination_address:  {
            site_id: "siteId"
        denial_details:  {
            reason: "Some reason"

    CfEmergencyMgmt.logIngestEvent(EmergencyMgmtEventType.Ambulance, ambulanceEvent)
    "type": "ambulance",
    "props": {
        "action": "dispatch",
        "ambulance": {
            "distance_from_incident": 10,
            "driver_id": "driverId",
            "emso_id": "emsoId",
            "eta": 10,
            "gps_datetime": "2025-01-01T12:00:27.87+02:00",
            "id": "ambulanceId",
            "status": "available",
            "type": "Some Type"
        "denial_details": {
            "reason": "Some reason"
        "destination_address": {
            "site_id": "siteId"
        "pickup_address": {
            "country": "siteId"