Patient Management Catalog Events
List of Catalogs
Catalog | Description |
HCW Catalog | Catalog representing values for Healthcare Worker. |
Patient Catalog | Catalog representing values for Patient. |
Required Catalog Fields
Some catalog fields can be marked as optional below but may be required for your app. Please refer to your integration notes to verify which fields are required for your use-case.
HCW Catalog
Below are the Healthcare Worker (HCW) Catalog values.
Param | Usability | Format | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | Unique id for a hcw, provided by the partner. |
name | OPTIONAL | STRING | Name of the hcw, provided by the partner. |
role | OPTIONAL | STRING | Role assigned to the hcw. |
site_id_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (STRING) | Id for the sites assigned to the hcw |
supervisor_id_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (STRING) | Ids of the hcw supervisors attached to the hce profile. |
val hcwCatalogModel = HcwCatalogModel(
id = "RandomHcwId",
name = "John Doe",
role = "Nutritionist",
site_id_list = arrayListOf("site1", "site2"),
supervisor_id_list = arrayListOf("supervisor1", "supervisor133")
patientMgmtCatalogType = PatientMgmtCatalogSubject.UserHcw,
catalogModel = hcwCatalogModel
let hcwCatalogModel = HcwCatalogModel (
hcwId: "RandomHCWID2",
name: "John Doe",
role: "Nutritionist",
siteIdList: ["site1", "site2"],
supervisorIdList:["11", "22", "33"]
patientMgmtCatalogType: PatientMgmtCatalogSubject.UserHcw,
catalogModel: hcwCatalogModel
Patient Catalog
Below are the Patient Catalog values.
Param | Usability | Format | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | Unique id for a patient, provided by the partner. |
country | OPTIONAL | STRING | Country in which the patient is at. |
region_state | OPTIONAL | STRING | Region or State in which the patient is at. |
city | OPTIONAL | STRING | City in which the patient is at. |
profession | OPTIONAL | STRING | Profession in which the patient is at. |
education_level | OPTIONAL | STRING | Education_level of the patient. |
site_id_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (STRING) | Sites list that are visited by the patient. |
insurance_id | OPTIONAL | STRING | Insurance Id of the patient. |
insurance_type | OPTIONAL | STRING | Insurance Type of the patient. |
insurance_status | OPTIONAL | BOOLEAN | If the insurance is active for the patient. |
landmark | OPTIONAL | STRING | Any landmark nearby patient. |
phone_number_category | OPTIONAL | STRING | Phone number category of the patient. |
program_id | OPTIONAL | STRING | Id for the program the patient is enrolled in. |
family_id | OPTIONAL | STRING | Id for the family the patient is enrolled in. |
hw_id_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (STRING) | Hcw Id list assigned to the patient. |
buddy_id_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (STRING) | Id for the buddies (other patients on the program) the patient is enrolled in. |
transport_mode | OPTIONAL | STRING | Transport mode used by the patient. |
marital_status | OPTIONAL | STRING | Marital Status of the patient. |
employment_status | OPTIONAL | STRING | Employment Status of the patient. |
nationality | OPTIONAL | STRING | Nationality of the patient. |
has_whatsapp | OPTIONAL | BOOLEAN | If the Patient has provided their whatsapp number in the program. |
has_email | OPTIONAL | BOOLEAN | If the Patient has provided their email in the program. |
val patientCatalog = PatientCatalogModel(
patientId = "patientId",
country =,
region_state = "Barcelona",
city = "Barcelona",
profession = "HCW",
education_level =,
site_ids_list = arrayListOf("site1", "site2"),
national_id = "",
insurance_id = "",
insurance_type = "",
insurance_status = false,
landmark = "Some landmark",
phone_number_category = "",
program_id = "some Program Id",
patientMgmtCatalogType = PatientMgmtCatalogSubject.Patient,
catalogModel = patientCatalog
let patientCatalog = PatientCatalogModel(
patientId: "RandomPatientId2",
country: CountryCode.Andorra.rawValue,
regionState: "Barcelona",
city: "Barcelona",
profession: "HCW",
educationLevel: EducationalLevel.Bachelors.rawValue,
siteIdList: ["site1", "site2"],
insuranceId: "",
insuranceType: "",
programId: "some Program Id"
patientMgmtCatalogType: PatientMgmtCatalogSubject.Patient,
catalogModel: patientCatalog
let patientCatalogModel = {
id: "JohnDoeTEST",
country: CountryCode.Albania,
region_state: "Barcelona",
city: "Barcelona",
profession: "HCW",
education_level: EducationalLevel.Bachelors,
site_id_list: ["site1", "site2"],
insurance_id: "",
insurance_type: "",
insurance_status: false,
landmark: "Some landmark",
phone_number_category: "",
program_id: "some Program Id",
family_id : "",
hw_id_list : [],
buddy_id_list : [],
transport_mode : "",
marital_status : "",
employment_status : "",
nationality : "",
has_whatsapp : false,
has_email : false,
CfPatientMgmt.logCatalogEvent(PatientMgmtCatalogType.Patient, patientCatalogModel);
"id": "patientId",
"city": "Barcelona",
"country": "Spain",
"education_level": "bachelors",
"insurance_id": "",
"insurance_status": false,
"insurance_type": "",
"landmark": "Some landmark",
"phone_number_category": "",
"profession": "HCW",
"program_id": "some Program Id",
"region_state": "Barcelona",
"site_id_list": [