Patient Management Event Objects
Every Content Block have some respective event objects that are required by the events to be used. These event objects can be referred to as item properties for that event or model/data classes that are required for that event. These objects provide a detailed context to the event about the element they are associated with.
List of Objects
Here's a list of objects that are required in core module events.
Object Name | Usability | Description |
Appointment Item | appointment |
Track the values related to appointment details. |
Appointment Update Item | update |
Track the values related to appointment update details. |
Appointment Missed Item | missed |
Track the values related to appointment missed details. |
Counseling Plan Object | counseling_plan_list |
Track the items recommended to the patient based on the counseling plan selected. |
Diagnosis Item | diagnosis_item |
Track the items related to patient diagnosis. |
Diagnosis Outcome Item | diagnosis_outcome_item |
Track the items related to outcome of the question. |
Diagnosis Question Item | diagnosis_question_item |
Track the items diagnosis question item. |
Diagnosis Questionnaire Item | diagnosis_questionnaire_item |
Track the questionnaire being asked to the patient. |
Diagnosis Status Item | diagnosis_status_item |
Track the diagnosis status about the patient. |
Diagnosis Symptom Item | diagnosis_symptom_item |
Track the diagnosis symptoms about the patient. |
Diagnostic Element Item | diagnostic_element_object |
Track the diagnostic element item about the patient. |
Encounter Summary Object | encounter_summary_object |
Track the Encounter Summary about the patient. |
Investigation Item | investigation_item |
Track the investigation/medical tests item about the patient. |
Immunization Item | immunization_item |
Track the immunization item about the patient. |
Pregnancy Detail Object | pregnancy_detail_object |
Track the pregnancy details about the patient. |
Prescription Item | prescription_item |
Track the Prescribed Medication details about the patient. |
Schedule Item | schedule_item |
Track the Schedule Item Details for treatment adherence of the patient. |
Treatment Adherence Item | treatment_adherence_item |
Track the treatment adherence item for the patient. |
Treatment Plan Item | treatment_plan_item |
Track the treatment plan item for the patient. |
Appointment Item
Track the values related to Appointment
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Id of the Appointment. |
hcw_id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Id of the CHW for which the appointment is linked to. |
category | REQUIRED | STRING | facility, community, patient_address, virtual, other | Category of the site for which the appointment is created. |
status | REQUIRED | STRING | upcoming, missed, attended, other | Status of the appointment. |
time | REQUIRED | LONG | -- | TimeInMillis for the appointment. |
is_time_sensitive | REQUIRED | BOOLEAN | -- | Is the appointment time sensitive or an urgent apppointment. |
type_list | REQUIRED | ARRAY (STRING) | medical_review, assessment, other | Array of main types of assessments/services included in the appointment |
sub_type_list | REQUIRED | ARRAY (STRING) | bio, hiv, ncd, tb, ecd, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy, mental_health, substance_use_disorder, adolescent_health, general_screening, antenatal, postnatal, cervical_cancer, lifestyle, psychological, gender_based_violence, sexual_behaviour, economic_strengthening, other | Array of sub types of assessments/services included in the appointment |
update | OPTIONAL | OBJECT (Appointment Update Item) | -- | Update Details object for the item, such as reschduling updates. |
missed | OPTIONAL | OBJECT (Appointment Missed Item) | -- | Missed Details object for the item, such as follup details. |
val appointmentItem = AppointmentItem(
appointmentId = "sampleAppointmentId",
hcwId = "sampleHcwId",
category = HcwSiteCategory.Facility,
status = AppointmentStatus.Missed,
appointmentDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(),
isTimeSensitive = false,
typeList = listOf(ScheduleItemType.Assessment),
subTypeList = listOf(DiagnosisType.HIV),
update = AppointmentUpdateItem(
appointmentId = "percipit",
reason = "percipit",
prevTime = System.currentTimeMillis().minus(100)
missed = AppointmentMissedItem(
id = "dolorum",
appointmentFollowUpType = AppointmentFollowupType.WhatsApp,
followUptime = System.currentTimeMillis().minus(100),
response = "conceptam"
let appointmentItem = AppointmentItem(
appointmentId: "percipit",
hcwId: "dui",
category: HcwSiteCategory.Other.rawValue,
status: AppointmentStatus.Missed.rawValue,
appointmentDateTime: 123123,
isTimeSensitive: false,
typeList: [ScheduleItemType.Assessment.rawValue],
subTypeList: [DiagnosisType.HIV.rawValue],
update: AppointmentUpdateItem(
appointmentId: "percipit",
reason: "percipit",
prevTime: 123
missed: AppointmentMissedItem(
id: "dolorum",
appointmentFollowUpType: AppointmentFollowupType.WhatsApp.rawValue,
followUptime: 111111,
response: "conceptam"
let appointmentItem = AppointmentItem(
appointmentId: "percipit",
hcwId: "dui",
category: HcwSiteCategory.Other.rawValue,
status: AppointmentStatus.Missed.rawValue,
appointmentDateTime: 123123,
isTimeSensitive: false,
typeList: [ScheduleItemType.Assessment.rawValue],
subTypeList: [DiagnosisType.HIV.rawValue],
update: AppointmentUpdateItem(
appointmentId: "percipit",
reason: "percipit",
prevTime: 123
missed: AppointmentMissedItem(
id: "dolorum",
appointmentFollowUpType: AppointmentFollowupType.WhatsApp.rawValue,
followUptime: 111111,
response: "conceptam"
"appointment": {
"category": "other",
"hcw_id": "dui",
"id": "percipit",
"is_time_sensitive": false,
"missed": {
"id": "dolorum",
"response": "conceptam",
"time": 131232,
"type": "whatsapp"
"status": "missed",
"sub_type_list": [
"time": 123123123,
"type_list": [
"update": {
"id": "percipit",
"prev_time": 123123,
"reason": "percipit"
Appointment Update Item
Track the values related to Appointment Update item.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Id of the update item. |
reason | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Reason for Update. |
prev_time | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Previous time in Millis before update. |
Appointment Missed Item
Track the values related to Appointment Missed item.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Id of the missed item. |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | phone_call, sms, whatsapp, house_visit, other | Type of the missed follow up item. |
time | REQUIRED | LONG | -- | Time in millis for the follow up item. |
response | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Response of the missed follow up. |
Counseling Plan Object
Track the items recommended to the patient based on the counseling plan selected.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
name | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Lifestyle plan item being added. |
action | REQUIRED | STRING | view, add, update, remove, done | Action performed on the lifestyle item for the patient in question. |
clinician_notes | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Notes added by the clinician for the diagnosis item. |
assessment_remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | remarks added by the hcw user performing assessment for the diagnosis item. |
counselor_notes | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | notes added by the counselor for the diagnosis item. |
referral_date | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | TimeInMillis for the referral date for the diagnosis item. |
assessment_date | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | TimeInMillis for the assessment date for the diagnosis item. |
referred_by | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Id for the hcw user referring for the diagnosis item. |
assessed_by | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Id for the hcw user assessing for the diagnosis item. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the diagnosis item. |
Diagnosis Item
Track the values related to diagnosis of the patient. Such as blood pressure, glucose, bmi, temperature, etc.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | bio, hiv, ncd, tb, ecd, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy, mental_health, substance_use_disorder, adolescent_health, general_screening, antenatal, postnatal, cervical_cancer, lifestyle, psychological, gender_based_violence, sexual_behaviour, economic_strengthening, other | type for the Diagnosis Item being considered. |
sub_type | REQUIRED | STRING | age, gender, height, weight, smoker, blood_pressure, blood_pressure_systolic, blood_pressure_diastolic, muac, blood_glucose, hbA1c, temperature, bmi, cvd, phq_4, phq_9, gad_7, pregnancy_status, pregnancy_danger_signs, suicidal_ideation, high_risk_pregnancy, other | sub type for the diagnosis. |
category | REQUIRED | STRING | computed, given, other | category for the diagnosis. |
value | REQUIRED | ANY | -- | Value for the diagnosis. |
unit | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Unit of the value provided for the diagnosis item. |
observation_time | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | TimeInMillis when the diagnosis was done. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the diagnosis item. |
Diagnosis Outcome Item
Track the values related to diagnosis outcome of the patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | risk_status, risk_score, other | type for the Diagnosis outcome. |
sub_type | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | sub type for the diagnosis outcome. |
value | REQUIRED | ANY | -- | Value for the diagnosis outcome. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the diagnosis outcome item. |
Diagnosis Question Item
Track the values related to diagnosis question of the patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | open_ended, closed_ended, nominal, likert_scale, rating_scale, yes_no, interview, other | type of the question being asked. |
question | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | question statement being asked. |
reply | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | answer to the question. |
score | OPTIONAL | FLOAT | -- | score provided to the answer if any. |
full_score | OPTIONAL | FLOAT | -- | total score allocated tot he question if any. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the item. |
section | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | section name of the question being asked. |
Diagnosis Questionnaire Item
Track the values related to Questionnaire details for the assessment/service.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | bio, hiv, ncd, tb, ecd, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy, mental_health, substance_use_disorder, adolescent_health, general_screening, antenatal, postnatal, cervical_cancer, lifestyle, psychological, gender_based_violence, sexual_behaviour, economic_strengthening, other | type of the question being asked. |
sub_type | REQUIRED | STRING | age, gender, height, weight, smoker, blood_pressure, blood_pressure_systolic, blood_pressure_diastolic, muac, blood_glucose, hbA1c, temperature, bmi, cvd, phq_4, phq_9, gad_7, pregnancy_status, pregnancy_danger_signs, suicidal_ideation, high_risk_pregnancy, other | sub type for the diagnosis questionnaire. |
category | REQUIRED | STRING | medical_review, assessment, diagnostic, other | category of the question. |
question_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Diagnosis Question Item) | -- | list of questions being asked as a part of this questionnaire. |
outcome_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Diagnosis Outcome Item) | -- | outcome of the questionnaire being asked. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the item. |
Diagnosis Status Item
Track the values Patient Diagnosis Status Items.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | bio, hiv, ncd, tb, ecd, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy, mental_health, substance_use_disorder, adolescent_health, general_screening, antenatal, postnatal, cervical_cancer, lifestyle, psychological, gender_based_violence, sexual_behaviour, economic_strengthening, other | type of the question status. |
sub_type | OPTIONAL | STRING | sub type for the diagnosis status. | |
action | REQUIRED | STRING | view, add, update, remove, done | action performed on the diagnosis status. |
status | REQUIRED | STRING | positive, negative, recovered, unknown, n_a, other | Status for the diagnosis. |
risk | REQUIRED | STRING | low, high, unknown, n_a, other | Risk value for the diagnosis. |
diagnosis_date | REQUIRED | LONG | -- | date of the Diagnosis Status. |
is_confirmed | OPTIONAL | BOOLEAN | -- | is the status confirmed? |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the item. |
stage | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | stage of the diagnosis status if any. |
treatment_status | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | treatment status of the diagnosis status if any. |
Diagnosis Symptom Item
Track values regarding diagnosis symptoms of the patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | bio, hiv, ncd, tb, ecd, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy, mental_health, substance_use_disorder, adolescent_health, general_screening, gynecologic, antenatal, postnatal, cervical_cancer, lifestyle, psychological, gender_based_violence, sexual_behaviour, economic_strengthening, other | type for the Diagnosis Symptom Item being considered. |
symptoms_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY(STRING) | -- | Symptoms for the diagnosis. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the diagnosis item. |
Diagnostic Element Object
Track values regarding diagnostic Element Object of the patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | id of the diagnostic element of the patient. |
investigation_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Investigation Item) | -- | Array of the investigation/test items of the patient. |
biometric_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Diagnosis Item) | -- | Array of the biometric items of the patient. |
sign_symptom_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Diagnosis Symptom Item) | -- | Array of the diagnostic symptoms of the patient. |
treatment_adherence_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Treatment Adherence Item) | -- | Array of the Treatment Adherence item of the patient. |
health_questionnaire_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Diagnosis Questionnaire Item) | -- | Array of the Diagnosis Questionnaire items of the patient. |
val diagnosticElements = DiagnosticElementItem(
id = "DiagnosticElementItem",
investigationList = listOf(),
biometricList = listOf(
type = DiagnosisType.Bio,
subType = DiagnosisSubType.Age,
category = DiagnosisCategory.Given,
value = "20",
unit = "years",
observationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(),
remarks = "Some Remarks"
signSymptomList = listOf(),
treatmentAdherence = listOf(),
healthQuestionnaire = listOf(
type = DiagnosisType.HIV,
subType = DiagnosisSubType.Other,
category = DiagnosisQuestionnaireCategory.Assessment,
questionList = listOf(
type = QuestionType.ClosedEnded,
question = "Some Question Text",
reply = "Some Reply here",
score = null,
fullScore = null,
remarks = null,
section = null
outcomeList = listOf(
type = DiagnosisQuestionnaireOutcomeType.RiskStatus,
subType = null,
value = "high_risk",
remarks = null
remarks = null
let diagnosticElements: DiagnosticElementObject(
id: "DiagnosticElementItem",
investigationList: [],
biometricList: [
type: DiagnosisType.Bio.rawValue,
subType: DiagnosisSubType.Age.rawValue,
category: DiagnosisCategory.Given.rawValue,
value: "20",
unit: "years",
observationTime: 1234123,
remarks: "Some Remarks"
signSymptomList: [],
treatmentAdherence: [],
healthQuestionnaire: [
type: DiagnosisType.HIV.rawValue,
subType: DiagnosisSubType.Other.rawValue,
category: DiagnosisQuestionnaireCategory.Assessment.rawValue,
questionList: [
type: QuestionType.ClosedEnded.rawValue,
question: "Some Question Text",
reply: "Some Reply here",
score: nil,
fullScore: nil,
section: nil,
remarks: nil
outcomeList: [
type: DiagnosisQuestionnaireOutcomeType.RiskStatus.rawValue,
subType: nil,
value: "high_risk",
remarks: nil
remarks: nil
const DiagnosisSymptomItemList = {
id: "DiagnosticElementItem",
investigation_list: [],
biometric_list: [
type: DiagnosisType.Bio,
sub_type: DiagnosisSubType.Age,
category: DiagnosisCategory.Given,
value: "20",
unit: "years",
observation_time: 12321341234,
remarks: "Some Remarks"
sign_symptom_list: [],
treatment_adherence_list: [],
health_questionnaire_list: [
type: DiagnosisType.HIV,
sub_type: DiagnosisSubType.Other,
category: DiagnosisQuestionnaireCategory.Assessment,
question_list: [
type: QuestionType.ClosedEnded,
question: "Some Question Text",
reply: "Some Reply here",
outcome_list: [
type: DiagnosisQuestionnaireOutcomeType.RiskStatus,
value: "high_risk",
remarks: null,
"diagnostic_elements": {
"biometric_list": [
"category": "given",
"observation_time": 12321341234,
"remarks": "Some Remarks",
"sub_type": "age",
"type": "bio",
"unit": "years",
"value": "20"
"health_questionnaire_list": [
"category": "assessment",
"outcome_list": [
"type": "risk_status",
"value": "high_risk"
"question_list": [
"question": "Some Question Text",
"reply": "Some Reply here",
"type": "closed_ended"
"sub_type": "other",
"type": "hiv"
"id": "DiagnosticElementItem",
"investigation_list": [],
"sign_symptom_list": [],
"treatment_adherence_list": []
Encounter Summary Object
Track values regarding Encounter Summary Object of the patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | id of the encounter for the patient. |
appointment_id | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | id of the linked appointment for the encounter, if any. |
encounter_time | REQUIRED | LONG | -- | time at which the encounter is performed. |
hcw_id_list | REQUIRED | ARRAY (STRING) | -- | Array of the IDs of the HCWs involved in competing the encounter. |
main_complaints_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (STRING) | -- | Array of the main complaints in the encounter. |
prev_diagnosis_status_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Diagnosis Status Item) | -- | Array of the previous diagnosis status of the patient. |
diagnosis_status_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Diagnosis Status Item) | -- | Array of the current diagnosis status of the patient. |
prev_treatment_plan | OPTIONAL | OBJECT (Treatment Plan Item) | -- | Object of the previous treatment plan item of the patient. |
treatment_plan | OPTIONAL | OBJECT (Treatment Plan Item) | -- | Object of the current treatment plan item of the patient. |
diagnostic_elements | OPTIONAL | OBJECT (Diagnostic Element Object) | -- | Object of the diagnostic element details of the patient. |
pregnancy_details | OPTIONAL | OBJECT (Pregnancy Detail Object) | -- | Object of the pregnancy details of the patient. |
counseling_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Counseling Plan Object) | -- | Array of the counselling plan of the patient. |
immunization_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Imunization Item) | -- | Array of the Immunization Items of the patient. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Remarks about the encounter of the patient. |
is_followup_id | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | id of the original encounter if this new is a followup of an existing one. |
is_referral_id | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | id of the original encounter if this new is a referral of an existing one. |
has_followup | OPTIONAL | BOOLEAN | -- | if this encounter has a followup encounter. |
has_referral | OPTIONAL | BOOLEAN | -- | if this encounter has a referral encounter. |
val encounterSummaryObject = EncounterSummaryObject(
encounterId = "SomeEncounterId222",
appointmentId = "Some Appointment ID",
encounterTime = System.currentTimeMillis(),
hcwIdList = listOf("hello"),
prevDiagnosisStatus = listOf(DiagnosisStatusItem(
type = DiagnosisType.SexualBehaviour,
subType = null,
action = HcwItemAction.Add,
value = DiagnosisStatusValueType.NewPatient,
diagnosisDate = 3329,
isConfirmed = null,
remarks = null,
stage = null,
treatmentStatus = null
diagnosisStatus = listOf(),
prevTreatmentPlan = null,
treatmentPlan = null,
mainComplaints = listOf(),
diagnosticElements = DiagnosticElementItem(
id = "DiagnosticElementItem",
investigationList = listOf(),
biometricList = listOf(
type = DiagnosisType.Bio,
subType = DiagnosisSubType.Age,
category = DiagnosisCategory.Given,
value = "20",
unit = "years",
observationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(),
remarks = "Some Remarks"
signSymptomList = listOf(),
treatmentAdherence = listOf(),
healthQuestionnaire = listOf(
type = DiagnosisType.HIV,
subType = DiagnosisSubType.Other,
category = DiagnosisQuestionnaireCategory.Assessment,
questionList = listOf(
type = QuestionType.ClosedEnded,
question = "Some Question Text",
reply = "Some Reply here",
score = null,
fullScore = null,
remarks = null,
section = null
outcomeList = listOf(
type = DiagnosisQuestionnaireOutcomeType.RiskStatus,
subType = null,
value = "high_risk",
remarks = null
remarks = null
pregnancyDetails = null,
counselingList = listOf(),
immunizationList = listOf(),
remarks = "",
isFollowupId = "",
isReferralId = "",
hasFollowup = false,
hasReferral = false
let encounterSummaryObject : EncounterSummaryObject(
encounterId: "SomeEncounterId",
appointmentId: "Some Appointment ID",
encounterTime: 1234234,
hcwIdList: ["hello"],
prevDiagnosisStatus: [],
diagnosisStatus: [],
prevTreatmentPlan: nil,
treatmentPlan: nil,
mainComplaints: [],
diagnosticElements: DiagnosticElementObject(
id: "DiagnosticElementItem",
investigationList: [],
biometricList: [
type: DiagnosisType.Bio.rawValue,
subType: DiagnosisSubType.Age.rawValue,
category: DiagnosisCategory.Given.rawValue,
value: "20",
unit: "years",
observationTime: 1234123,
remarks: "Some Remarks"
signSymptomList: [],
treatmentAdherence: [],
healthQuestionnaire: [
type: DiagnosisType.HIV.rawValue,
subType: DiagnosisSubType.Other.rawValue,
category: DiagnosisQuestionnaireCategory.Assessment.rawValue,
questionList: [
type: QuestionType.ClosedEnded.rawValue,
question: "Some Question Text",
reply: "Some Reply here",
score: nil,
fullScore: nil,
section: nil,
remarks: nil
outcomeList: [
type: DiagnosisQuestionnaireOutcomeType.RiskStatus.rawValue,
subType: nil,
value: "high_risk",
remarks: nil
remarks: nil
pregnancyDetails: nil,
counselingList: [],
immunizationList: [],
remarks: "",
isFollowupId: "",
isReferralId: "",
hasFollowup: false,
hasReferral: false
const encounter_summary: {
id: "SomeEncounterId",
appointment_id: "Some Appointment ID",
encounter_time: 123123123,
hcw_id_list: ["hello", "world"],
prev_diagnosis_status_list: [],
diagnosis_status_list: [],
prev_treatment_plan: null,
treatment_plan: null,
main_complaints_list: [],
diagnostic_elements: {
id: "DiagnosticElementItem",
investigation_list: [],
biometric_list: [
type: DiagnosisType.Bio,
sub_type: DiagnosisSubType.Age,
category: DiagnosisCategory.Given,
value: "20",
unit: "years",
observation_time: 12321341234,
remarks: "Some Remarks"
sign_symptom_list: [],
treatment_adherence_list: [],
health_questionnaire_list: [
type: DiagnosisType.HIV,
sub_type: DiagnosisSubType.Other,
category: DiagnosisQuestionnaireCategory.Assessment,
question_list: [
type: QuestionType.ClosedEnded,
question: "Some Question Text",
reply: "Some Reply here",
outcome_list: [
type: DiagnosisQuestionnaireOutcomeType.RiskStatus,
value: "high_risk",
remarks: null,
pregnancy_details: null,
counseling_list: [],
immunization_list: [],
remarks: "",
is_followup_id: "",
is_referral_id: "",
has_followup: false,
has_referral: false,
"encounter_summary": {
"appointment_id": "Some Appointment ID",
"counseling_list": [],
"diagnosis_status_list": [],
"diagnostic_elements": {
"biometric_list": [
"category": "given",
"observation_time": 12321341234,
"remarks": "Some Remarks",
"sub_type": "age",
"type": "bio",
"unit": "years",
"value": "20"
"health_questionnaire_list": [
"category": "assessment",
"outcome_list": [
"type": "risk_status",
"value": "high_risk"
"question_list": [
"question": "Some Question Text",
"reply": "Some Reply here",
"type": "closed_ended"
"sub_type": "other",
"type": "hiv"
"id": "DiagnosticElementItem",
"investigation_list": [],
"sign_symptom_list": [],
"treatment_adherence_list": []
"encounter_time": 123123123,
"has_followup": false,
"has_referral": false,
"hcw_id_list": [
"id": "SomeEncounterId",
"immunization_list": [],
"is_followup_id": "",
"is_referral_id": "",
"main_complaints_list": [],
"prev_diagnosis_status_list": [],
"remarks": ""
Investigation Item
Track the medical tests prescribed to the patient based on the diagnosis.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
name | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Name of test item being added. |
test_value | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Value of the test item being concluded. |
test_unit | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Unit for value of the test item being concluded. |
ordered_date | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | Date as TimeInMillis for when the test is being ordered. |
tested_date | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | Date as TimeInMillis for when the test is conducted. |
action | REQUIRED | STRING | view, add, update, remove | Action performed on the prescribed test item for the patient in question. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the diagnosis item. |
Pregnancy Detail Object
Track the elements observed regarding pregnancy of the patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
pregnancy_status | REQUIRED | BOOLEAN | --- | If the patient is pregnant or not. |
last_menstrual_period | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | TimeInMillis Date for the last menstrual period. |
high_risk | OPTIONAL | BOOLEAN | -- | If the patient is a high risk. |
gravida | OPTIONAL | INT | -- | Gravida for patient details. |
parity | OPTIONAL | INT | -- | Parity for patient details. |
n_fetus | OPTIONAL | INT | -- | Number of fetus for patient. |
neonatal_outcome | OPTIONAL | STRING | still_birth, live_birth, neonatal_death, other | Neonatal Outcome for the patient. |
maternal_outcome | OPTIONAL | STRING | alive_well, maternal_death, other | Maternal Outcome for the patient. |
Prescription Item
Track the meds prescribed to the patient along with dosage values based on the diagnosis.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Drug Id for the med being prescribed. |
name | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Drug Name for the med being prescribed. |
dosage_value | REQUIRED | FLOAT | -- | number of tablets being prescribed. |
dosage_unit | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Unit for the Drug being prescribed. |
formulation | REQUIRED | STRING | tablet, syrup, injection, contraceptive, insulin, capsule, other | Formulation for the drug being prescribed. |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | bio, hiv, ncd, tb, ecd, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy, mental_health, substance_use_disorder, adolescent_health, general_screening, gynecologic, antenatal, postnatal, cervical_cancer, lifestyle, psychological, gender_based_violence, sexual_behaviour, economic_strengthening, other | Type for the drug being prescribed. |
frequency | REQUIRED | STRING | OD, BD, TDS, QDS, OM, ON, CC, PC, AC, PRN, AM, PM, other | Frequency for the drug being prescribed. once a day, twice a day, ... |
prescribed_days | REQUIRED | INTEGER | -- | The number of days the patient is being prescribed the usage of meds/drug. |
dispensed_days | REQUIRED | INTEGER | -- | The number of days the patient is being dispensed for meds/drug. |
prescription_date | REQUIRED | LONG | -- | TimeInMillis Date for the patient is being provided the prescription for meds/drug. |
action | REQUIRED | STRING | view, add, update, remove | action being performed on the prescription item. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the diagnosis item. |
val prescriptionItem = PrescriptionItem(
drug_id = "drug_id",
name = "metaformin2",
dosage_value = 3,
dosage_unit = "mg",
formulation =,
type =,
frequency =,
prescribed_days = 2,
action =
let prescriptionItem = PrescriptionItem(
drug_id : "drug_id",
name : "metaformin2",
dosage_value : 3,
dosage_unit : "mg",
formulation : PrescriptionItemType.Syrup.rawValue,
type : DiagnosisType.HIV.rawValue,
frequency : PrescriptionItemFrequency.BD.rawValue,
prescribed_days : 2,
action : HcwItemAction.Add.rawValue
Immunization Item
Track the Immunization Items assigned to the Patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
id | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Id for the immunization record. |
action | REQUIRED | STRING | view, add, update, remove | Action being performed on the immunization item. |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | Type for the immunization item being prescribed. |
dose | REQUIRED | INTEGER | -- | Dose provided/prescribed in the immunization item. |
status | REQUIRED | BOOLEAN | -- | Status of the immunization item. |
date | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | Date at which the immunization is provided (if applicable) |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the diagnosis item. |
Schedule Item
Track the Scheduling related items of the Patient for treatment adherence.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | medical_review, assessment, other | Type for the treatment adherence Scheduling item. |
sub_type | REQUIRED | STRING | bio, hiv, ncd, tb, ecd, diabetes, hypertension, pregnancy, mental_health, substance_use_disorder, adolescent_health, general_screening, gynecologic, antenatal, postnatal, cervical_cancer, lifestyle, psychological, gender_based_violence, sexual_behaviour, economic_strengthening, other | Sub type of the treatment adherence scheduling item. |
value | REQUIRED | INTEGER | -- | value for the scheduling item. |
frequency | REQUIRED | STRING | daily, days, weeks, months, other | Frequency for the scheduling. |
start_date | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | Start Date from which the scheduling is starting. |
end_date | OPTIONAL | LONG | -- | End Date on which the scheduling is ending. |
action | REQUIRED | STRING | view, add, update, remove | action being performed on the scheduling item. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | Comments or remarks added by the hcw user for the scheduling item. |
Treatment Adherence Item
Track the items regarding the Patient for treatment adherence.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
type | REQUIRED | STRING | -- | type of the treatment adherence. |
medication_adherence | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | medication Adherence status of the patient. |
lack_adherence_reason | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | reason for lack of adherence of the patient if any. |
remarks | OPTIONAL | STRING | -- | remarks on treatment adherence. |
Treatment Plan Item
Track the items regarding the treatment plan of the Patient.
Param | Usability | Overview | Enum Values | Description |
followup_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Schedule Item) | -- | followup items for treatment plan of the patient if any. |
prescription_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Prescription Item) | -- | prescribed medication list for treatment plan of the patient if any. |
investigation_list | OPTIONAL | ARRAY (Investigation Item) | -- | medical tests list for treatment plan of the patient if any. |