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Payments Ingest Events

Causal Foundry Android SDK Payment module consists of events for in-app payment activities. Payments module consists of events for rewarding platforms. You need to implement this module if your app offers users some rewards, points on completing certain actions or achieving a certain milestone by using your app.

List of Events

Event Name Type Description
Deferred Payment deferred_payment Track payments for Buy Now Pay Later method where you purchase on credit.
Payment Method payment_method Track selection for payment method in the app, which mode the user is selecting to pay and how much.

Deferred Payment Event

To log events for payments, when they undergo processing and processed completed or canceled. This log is for use cases whe we have Buy Now and Pay Later which means that customers can buy the items now and pay the amount on a later date.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Id the payment in question.
order_id REQUIRED STRING --- Order Id for which the payment is made.
type REQUIRED STRING bank_transfer, cheque, cod, credit, pos, bank_card, other Type by which payment is being made.
action REQUIRED STRING payment_processed Action performed on the payment under question.
account_balance REQUIRED FLOAT --- Current account balance for user after payment amount is added..
payment_amount REQUIRED FLOAT --- Amount for which the payment is made.
currency REQUIRED STRING --- Currency of the payment being made (ISO 4217).
is_successful REQUIRED BOOLEAN --- Boolean to represent if the payment is successful or not.
usd_rate REQUIRED FLOAT --- Conversion value to USD for the currency provided in the payment. (Auto Tracked)
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


usd_rate is auto-tracked, you don't need to add anything for that.


     val deferredPaymentObject = DeferredPaymentObject(
        paymentId = "testPaymentId",
        orderId = "testOrderId",
        method = PaymentMethod.BankCard,
        action = PaymentAction.PaymentProcessed,
        accountBalance = 3000.0,
        paymentAmount = 2000.0,
        currency = CurrencyCode.EUR,
        isSuccessful = true

        eventType = PaymentsEventType.DeferredPayment,
        logObject = deferredPaymentObject
    let deferredPaymentProperties = {
      id: "testPaymentId",
      order_id: "testOrderId",
      type: PaymentMethod.BankTransfer,
      action: DeferredPaymentType.PaymentProcessed,
      account_balance: 88,
      payment_amount: 33,
      currency: CurrencyCode.AED,
      is_successful: true,

    const deferredPaymentProperties = {
        id: 'payment-id',
        order_id: 'order-id-1234',
        type: PaymentsMethodType.BankCard,
        action: DeferredPaymentType.PaymentProcessed,
        account_balance: 100,
        payment_amount: 56,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR,
        is_successful: true,

  "type": "deferred_payment",
  "props": {
    "account_balance": 3000.0,
    "action": "payment_processed",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "is_successful": true,
    "order_id": "testOrderId",
    "payment_amount": 2000.0,
    "id": "testPaymentId",
    "type": "bank_card",
    "usd_rate": 1.08

Payment Method Event

To log events for payments. Which method of the payment is selected for the order.


Param Usability Format Enum Values Description
id REQUIRED STRING --- Id for which the payment is made, if not present then use payment_(user_id).
order_id REQUIRED STRING --- Order Id for which the payment is made.
action REQUIRED STRING view, add, remove, update, select Action being performed on the payment is made.
type REQUIRED STRING bank_transfer, cheque, cod, credit, pos, bank_card, other Type by which payment is being made.
payment_amount REQUIRED FLOAT --- Amount for which the payment is made.
currency REQUIRED STRING --- Currency of the payment being made (ISO 4217).
usd_rate REQUIRED FLOAT --- Conversion value to USD for the currency provided in the payment. (Auto Tracked)
meta OPTIONAL ANY --- Any additional value that is sent with the log.


usd_rate is auto-tracked, you don't need to add anything for that.


    val paymentMethod = PaymentMethodObject(
        paymentId = "testPaymentId",
        orderId = "testOrderId",
        method = PaymentMethod.BankCard,
        action = PaymentAction.PaymentProcessed,
        paymentAmount = 1000.0,
        currency = CurrencyCode.JPY,

        eventType = PaymentsEventType.PaymentMethod,
        logObject = paymentMethod
    let paymentMethodProperties = {
      id: "someId", // payment_id
      order_id: "testOrderId",
      type: PaymentMethod.BankTransfer,
      payment_amount: 33,
      action: PaymentMethodAction.Select,
      currency: CurrencyCode.AED,

    const paymentMethodProperties = {
        id: 'paymentID1234',
        action: PaymentMethodAction.Select,
        order_id: 'order-id-1234',
        type: PaymentsMethodType.BankCard,
        payment_amount: 56,
        currency: CurrencyCode.EUR

  "type": "payment_method",
  "props": {
    "id": "some payment Id",
    "action": "view",
    "currency": "JPY",
    "order_id": "testOrderId",
    "payment_amount": 2000.0,
    "type": "bank_transfer",
    "usd_rate": 0.0075508696